Ural State Medical University
Clinical College is inseparable from scholastic greatness, offering a scope of dynamic and globally perceived clinical projects.
Hello, and welcome to the Ural State Medical University

About the University
Laid out with a dream to give elite clinical training, Ural State Medical University has been a foundation of medical service schooling for a considerable length of time. Our rich history and custom of greatness have situated us as a foreshadowing in the medical local area.
Life in Ural State Medical University
Drench yourself in a cutting-edge learning climate with current research centres, exceptional study halls, and high-level clinical offices. We at USMU provide the resources necessary for experiential learning through hands-on activities.

- Serebrennikov Valentin Sergeevich (1946 to 1952),
- Zverev Alexei Fedorovich (1952 to 1962),
- Klimov Vasily Nikolaevich (from 1962 to 1983).
- In 1961, the faculty for the improvement of doctors was opened;
- In 1964, the Central Scientific Research Laboratory was formed as part of eight laboratories;
- In 1969 – the 3rd educational building was put into operation, where 12 departments were located.
- In 1970 – the dean’s office of Specialization of interns was opened;
- In 1971, a preparatory department was opened;
- In 1976, the Faculty of Dentistry was opened.
- In 1979, for the contribution to the development of medical science and the training of medical personnel, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of labour
Usmu Today
The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was founded in 1930 as the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute.
The university today is more than 7 thousand students, interns, residents, graduate students and trainees studying at 58 departments, 8 faculties and departments, 40 clinical bases in the best medical institutions, medical research institutes, bodies and institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, pharmacies of the city and region, in its own dental clinic. Clinic equipped with the most high-tech equipment.
Important structures that provide and support the educational process are: Center for Practical Skills; well-equipped Central Research Laboratory; a library with a half-million fund of storage units, with 90% of educational literature published over the past 5-10 years; scientific society of young scientists (NOMUS) ; scientific and educational center “Perspektiva” . Office of Extracurricular Activities unites the Union of Students and Postgraduates, the association of volunteer movement, the council of hostels, the Center for Leisure and Aesthetic Education, a sports club (2 sports halls, sports grounds and a ski base). All this creates conditions for an interesting and eventful life of students, allowing them to realize personal and creative ambitions, career growth.
The staff potential of the university— the most important condition for the quality of training of specialists. The university has a high level of methodological and scientific schools with rich historical experience and high performance. URAL STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY is deservedly proud of its teaching staff, which includes a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, five honored scientists, more than 22 honored doctors and five honored workers of higher education of the Russian Federation, two winners of the RF Government Prize, two winners of the G.F. Lang (RAMS) and seven – awards named after V.N. Tatishchev and G.V. de Gennin (the founders of the city of Yekaterinburg). Every year, URAL STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY employees become winners of the award of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, the award of the founders of the city of Yekaterinburg. 23% of doctors of sciences from the total number of teachers involved in educational activities is one of the highest rates among medical universities in the country.
Many graduates have become major statesmen, heads of medical institutions, and well-known scientists in Russia and abroad, who founded scientific schools in many areas of medical knowledge. Among them is the Minister of Health of the USSR M.D. Kovrigina, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation F.G. Zakharov, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. Starodubov, pilot-cosmonaut V.G. Lazarev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region S.I. Spector, Academicians of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences B.T. Velichkovsky, L.L. Buldakov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.K. Guskova, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A.P. Yastrebov and others.
Ural State Medical University is a recognized center of medical science, the successes and achievements of which have an impact on the modern innovative development of the region. URAL STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY scientists conduct joint research with the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Middle Ural Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the government of the Sverdlovsk Region, federal research institutes of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, universities of the Ural Federal District with enterprises of the business sector of the economy (CJSC URALINTEKH, LLC FOTEK, LLC “OLIMP”, LLC “Plant “Medsintez”), with the Non-Profit Partnership “Ural Biomedical Cluster”, with funds (RFBR, Innovation Center for Small and Medium Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk Region, Infrastructure HUB, with foreign institutions and organizations (Dana-Faber Cancer Institute ( Boston), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (New York), Johns Hopkins University (Maryland).
All the most modern and high-tech methods of diagnostics and treatment, which the healthcare of the city of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region is proud of, are developed, implemented and improved with the participation of university scientists: minimally invasive, robot-assisted operations, brachytherapy, nursing of very premature babies, a wide range of molecular genetics techniques, nanotechnologies in dentistry and pharmacy and a number of others. The policy and development strategy of the university is reflected in the mission of the University: “For the benefit of the health of the Urals – to study, heal, educate!”